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If I could give a piece of advice to someone...

From the moment one crosses their infancy, society around them starts advising them of mannerisms they must adopt, cleanliness habits that they must follow, respectable clothing that one must wear and of course, their duties. The listeners are obliged to listen to and follow, and are told not to dispute over these pieces of advice. My childhood too had several bouts of these irreversible elements of advice and I hark back to these memories with utmost regret as I was deprived of the childhood I deserved. Therefore, if I could give advice to someone, I would make up my mind to advise my younger self.

Childhood Memories

During my nonage, I have received several fallacious pieces of advice from several Know-it-all’s , who believe their advice such as ‘ Be clean if you want to be divine ‘ and ‘Too much curiosity can earn you other’s enmity', could be life changing. Due to my tender age, I believed in their fallacious advice and lived a life of that of a puppet. Now, I realize that I wasted my age. This is why the advice I would be giving to my past self is important, provided that I get a chance.

The most important word of advice I would give is that childhood is that period of our life when we are still blooming, so we require the guidance of our parents but childhood is also the most precious time of our life where our mischievous behaviour is considered adorable. I believe that my childhood lacked the latter quality, so I would advise my younger self to live my childhood to the fullest.

Life is a ride filled with ups and downs, which marks the essence of our lifetime. Though we experience happiness with utmost jubilation, we must face sadness with a snippet of courage. It is important to have close friends to share sorrow with and to realise that sad times are succeeded by happy time and vice versa. To enjoy our present and learn for our future, we must keep in mind that just like a medicine, positivity too takes its own sweet time to have an effect on our sadness.

Mistakes are inevitable in every bit of our lifetime and it is a fact of our life, but the response to the error is what counts. Take chances to make mistakes. That’s how you grow and foster life. So, this is my advice to not only my younger self but also to you.

An ode to my past!

-Anagha Sunil


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